ISB Telephonic Interviews - Tips..
Its the interview season for ISB and for all you people currently in the "phoren" land having telephonic interviews..
some things to remember..
1. They cannot see you - so what you say needs to compensate for your body language
2. Its very easy for the interviewers to lose interest in you - many a times interviewers start chatting with the mute button on..or start reading the profiles of the next candidate.
3. Its boring for the interviewers to interview a 'voice'.. here are some tips for you ...
1. Your introduction is the killer..catch their attention there itself..and sustain that
2. Be high on energy ...they are already bored..the onus lies with you to bring energy back in the interview ..remember a bright smile wont work here ..needs to be communicated over the wire!
So dont forget the greeting and 'how have u been doing' ..'have a good daty' etc..
3. BE CRISP...cant emphasize on this enough..general ramblings JUST wont work...u are sure to be put on mute. This in turn sure of some standard questions like "Why MBA".."your background" etc..but hey ..dont practise so much that you look rehearsed.
4. If you need to think about an answer straightforward and ask the interviewers for a minute to think about it..collect your thoughts and then come back. Dont go off air in silence without any notice..
5. Background voices or sounds other people talking or you typing are a STRICT NO NO ..choose a silent place while taking the call.
6. Almost always they have a 20 mins slot in mind for telephonic interviews unlike face to face ones (which might end up being longer). So jot down the points you want to talk about and try and put it through intelligently...again DONT be pushy.
7. And if you cant hear them..dont hesitate to ask them and call back ..again and again if required. But dont risk not hearing them properly and screwing up the interview...
Go on..have fun..
Labels: Interviews
Very thanful for the tips for Telephonic interviews....!!! As I see you are an ISB passout...How do you think ISB has benefitted you reaching your planned goals?
Hmm..thats a deep question and a topic which needs a posting, not just a comment :-)
But in a nutshell - it gave us three things we were looking for a)perspective b)exposure c)opportunities..things which we use and apply today and will always.
But again depends on what 'goal' is for someone..
For a detailed discussion on this ..hang in there for a new posting in a day or two.
Hey thanks a lot
Have a tele-interview tomorrow morning. Your tips will definitely come in handy.
An observation here: If you're taking to someone over the phone, the other person will get to know whether you're smiling or not, albeit in a very subtle way. So for those of you who're tense and uptight, dont be. Smile! Just as you would if they were in front of you. It will definitely make a difference.
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