Monday, December 25, 2006

LBS interview experience of an ol timer..

Disclaimer: My LBS interview happened three years back so though I dont think alot would have changed but nevertheless...

The first thing I remember about LBS interview was that it was looooonngggg, 3 hours! I remember, my ISB interview was the next day and when that got over in 15 mins I was like "Vov what happened?" I had assumed that all Bschool interviews are so loong! An alum had taken it in Blore (windsor manor). He was very warm, very sweet and made me feel absolutely comfortable. He had read my profile and application so well that as soon as I entered he wished me "Belated Happy Birthday" cause my birthday was the day before :)

Then started the grill....

Now, the LBS interview is very structured. They have well defined 'sections' they test you on like 'Leadership', 'Teamwork', 'Internationalism' etc and for each section they have specific questions they ask. The questions can be like "tell me an example when you had to resolve a conflict" ..and they go deep with it..not in a grilling fashion but more like a discussion. So alot of stress on 'real life' experiences

Alot of questions come straight out of essays. My interviewer had all my essays and i could see markings and comments made on the essays. So knowing what I had written in my essays and being able to talk about it confidently was an advantage. Alot of questions were also related to 'general and industry awareness' and of course there was the famous 'why MBA question' also
He also asked me and kind of grilled but in a very friendly way on how could I fit with the fairly experienced and matured family of LBS (I had just 3 years of exp then)

All in all - it is a very 'in depth' interview and it is not something that you can live through if you havent been true with your application and CV (so PLEASE dont lie).The interviewer was very warm and friendly. You start out nervous but you soon become comfortable because a) Its too long for you to continue being nervous:) b)The environment is so warm c) Its more of a discussion than just an interview - even the interviewer spoke about his plans when he took up LBS and what is he doing now blah blah..

I loved the experience of it and was happy but surprised when I got the admit cause frankly after 3 hours I was so dead that I was almost telling him "Let me go more please"

BTW : I now know from some friends that the pattern is almost the same today in interviews as except that a new 'presentation' is added to the interview where you are given a topic (like a debate) and 5 mins to prepare and then you have to come up with a presentation presenting your case. Hmm..sounds interesting!!



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